Welcome to the Great Bridge Anime Club's home on the web.
for more information on the next meeting go HERE.


GBAC President


GBAC Fansub Librarian

Hey Everyone! Sorry for the delay in updates but college has been killing me. I am working on plans for about 4 cons and the next meeting too. I wanna cosplay for one of the cons!!!!

Thanks again to our great sponcers ADV Films, Funimation, and Bandai Entertainment we have some more great titles and cool promo materals for the next few meetings. I will try to think of contests for some of the cool prizes and for other things like extra posters I have laying around in my room... I need more wall space!

What is going on with me? I am falling behind on my anime! I have over 20 DVDs waiting to be watched. I am have 5 hour classes(AHHHHHH!) and I am working almost everyday. Good part is I get paid lots.. or at least more then before so I go buy more stuff. YES! For more info check out my page on the link section.

Oh, I almost forgot... SEIG ZEON!!!!! XD
-Justin ^_^'

PS: If you have not yet joined it give the mailing list a try. We talk about anime and club related stuff.

Con Report:Click Here

PPS: Check out the Gallery secion to see pics of members at meetings and cons. Click Here

PPPS:I am going to be going to Animazment soon so if you are interested in going or want to meet up there send me an e-mail. I also have posible availible space for the room.

Wow we had a super turnout last meeting ^_^.

I of course was running the Video room right from the start showing some AMVs till more ppl got there. Then I showed SD Gundam MK I to start things off. Then eventualy showed ep 1 of Magical Nyan Nyan Taruto , Getbackers ep 2 , Siawase Appartments Okojo-san ep 1 and 2 , Wolf's Rain ep 1 , Someday's Dreamer ep 1 , Argento Soma eps 1 and 2 (Bandai provided DVD). And thats basically all there was time to show this meeting.

Over in the other room it was controlled chaos with around 10 game systems up and running playing various games. Eventually with about 3 or 4 Xboxs there was a constant session of Halo going on. And 1 TV had the home version of Para Para Paradise. Over on the other side of that room there were an almost equal number of computers LAN'd together with ppl having fun fragging each other and some of the ppl with better computers were playing Command and Conquer Generals. There were also a couple of tables set up for ppl who needed to sit down and chill could , and a table with some artwork displayed.

In the Hallway there were a couple of tables set up with huge sheets of white paper for ppl to draw on. Near the entrance to the library was a sign in sheet and Liability form.

Overall it was a very good meeting and hopefully we'll have one much sooner than last time.

Thanks to everyone who showed up especially the new ppl ,the ppl who got there a lil bit earlier than even me and Justin and started setting up , the ppl who actually helped break down, and those members who managed the Japanese snack table.

Well thats it folks. Remember just say NO to Zeon.

おれ だいすきシャマンキィング!

For more information on the previous meeting go HERE.